USC Marshall School of Business : Fertitta Hall

When I said I was getting better pictures I did not know how much better they would be. Holy Molly ! This is built on our Handcrafted Quarry Clay Body.   Click the Below Picture To See More Color Choices on our Handcrafted Quarry Clay Body.   Read More

An Italian Estate in California

Howdy All, This home I am going to call out as an Italian Renaissance but I am probably wrong. What style would you call it? Products Used : Pata Grande from the Artillo Series Handpainted Decos from the California Revival Collection Read More

Bread & Butter / 12×12 Artillo Cotto Gold

Picture below is 12×12 Artillo Cotto Gold . Concrete Tile Handcrafted in Los Angeles. Our bread & butter. Everyday for many years, Thank you. Oh do not forget about the decos, we make those too.  ( link is a glimpse of the future in the works )   Read More

Milwaukee Museum of Art

I had a choice to stay in Chicago one day or head straight to Milwaukee. I picked Milwaukee. As I write I am glad I did. I will come back and do more exploring. I will still make the time for Chicago. Like most of my posts it is all about the pictures I will Read More

After the Election of November 8th 2016

Do not Worry The Sun Will Still Rise Tomorrow like it did today over the Pacific.. (Even if the Earth is Void of Life. / Joke / bad Joke but joke ) On a Serious note the world will still be turning. We still will have the choice to treat our Neighbor with Love & Respect. Read More

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